I lost my Hello Penis blog.
It seems that if you don’t log in at least once within a 30-day period, you lose it. It’s a shame, too, because I really liked it and I think I had put some of my best writing on it. Therefore, since I don’t want that type of requirement in case I have to leave town (or the country!) for an extended period of time, I’ve decided to try blogspot. Mind you, I have needed to put a warning label on here about adult content, must be over 18, and all that happy crap just to protect the sanctity and hypocrisy of others, but at least I won’t have to log in every 30 days to keep it active. And who knows? I may yet go back to Hello Penis. There are trade-offs after all and life is frequently about weighing out the better options.
So, for now, this is where I am.
After moping around for nearly two weeks since coming back to Fort Lauderdale from NYC, I’m now back in the saddle. Yes. That’s right.
I’m baaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccck!And it took David, from Home Town Guys, to tempt me back to the saddle. Well, sort of. He tempted me by offering not one, but two, hot little holes that were eager to take some cock. Well, one of them was. The other, a guy I’ve never worked with before, I guess was curious so I fucked him for a while as well. His naturally hairless hole tasted sweet and clamped around the base of my cock like a vise.
Though I was hesitant about the session at first because I gained weight while in NYC and had not gone to the gym (too much of Mom’s home-cooked meals!) I desperately needed the money. I squashed the guilt about calling in sick to work and suppressed my own negative self-image and said yes to the session. My sincerest of apologies to my boss in case he ever reads this.
Despite the “mean Reds” that kept threatening to take hold of me, I think the session went well. It was hot, sexy as fuck and the results will be edited over the summer. In the meantime, David, the director and cameraman, was kind enough to send me pics from the 3-way session. Hope you like them.

Me getting sucked by Jack Dean while Mike eats his hole.

Jack Dean sucking my cock and getting his sucked by Mike.

Me, the happy Dad on his back while Jack rides my cock and Mike rides my tongue.

Me fucking Mike while Jack watches.

Mike chewing on my foreskin.

A fresh load for my boys.
The DVD will probably be out sometime early fall. Be sure to check out David’s website for the release date and other films he’s done:
I’m glad I said yes to the session. Not just because it was fun and I needed the money. It helped get me out of the funk I was in; I’m always depressed when I leave NYC.
And you know? It’s kinda strange how something as simple as plain, ordinary fucking can do so much for the ego, the body, and your psyche.