I’ve always found Disney to be filled with sexy manboys. This trip, however, seemed particularly dickillating (instead of titillating). Dads holding hands with their boys or with their arms around them. While waiting for my partner to come out of one of the shops, I saw a sexy Mexican Dad sitting on a bench with his teenage son’s head laying in his lap; obviously tuckered out from all the fun they were having.
Dudes; alone, with their friends or with their brothers.
And like the geeky, nerdy manboys at Comic Book Conventions and Toy Shows, they appear to be totally unaware of how sexy they are. Even if they are, they don’t seem to care; they’re just being themselves. Being real.
So what exactly is it that turns me on about them so much? What is it about male sexuality that arouses me? And why is it that, as a man, when I’m aroused by a manboy who has that . . . whatever it is quality . . . I feel I must possess him. No matter how briefly. And stranger still, what is it about watching a Dad with his son that turns me on so? Is it that perhaps there’s still a little boy somewhere inside me that craves the touch and intimacy of an older man? A Dad to nurture me and guide me? Perhaps it's that I want a boy of my own? Or am I simply sexualizing an emotional bond that I’ve never had and will probably never have?
I often wonder because I can look at the same son and his mom, or the little boy by himself, and feel nothing.
I’ve tried to analyze it and I either can’t seem to put my finger on it or don’t want to face the fact that perhaps, in some sort of way, maybe I’m envious of something I never had, therefore don’t understand. Or maybe I’m just more perverse and twisted than I care to admit. If any of you have any ideas or comments on manboys, sexuality, masculinity and why it arouses us, or even you, personally, please post. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Disney was overrun by hordes of Brazilian girls. And where there are Brazilian girls, there are Brazilian boys.
Now close your eyes for a moment and imagine them. The way they seem to be unaware of their sensuality. The way they touch each other so playfully; without thought or concern to how it may look to American eyes. The way they laugh and joke with each other; jostling and draping their arms about one other, holding hands and actually LOOKING into each other’s eyes. Their beautifully smooth, dark skin, thick juicy lips and smoldering eyes.
These are just some of the snippets of cock teasing moments we encountered. Lots of unintentional arousal from a natural display of blossoming, awkward masculinity. I think you get the picture.
Shit, I think I just felt a drop of pre-cum ooze out of me.
One of highlights of the cock teasing moments we had was when we were at the Toy Story Mania ride at Hollywood Studios. This young, sexy Daddy, probably early 30s; redneck dark blonde, buzzed head and baseball cap, hairy forearms, tank top, jeans, black sneakers, tattooed. He bent over and you could see the top of his slightly hairy crack. Just the thought of him going commando was enough to boil blood. I didn’t really know what to do but stare. Naturally I took a picture of the background decor of the inside of the ride. Yeah. That's it. The decor. Of the ride.
Anyway, the picture will give you an idea of what "It" looked like.
When he bent over a second time, more crack was exposed. My tongue was wagging and my mouth was watering. I tried to take a picture but he moved too quickly and I was too slow on the uptake. The result was a very blurred photo. However, in my attempt to pretend to take yet one more picture of the background decor of the ride itself, he appears in the pic below.
Another thing that was just as dickillating as the Disney Dad at Toy Story Mania was the amount of manboys scratching at their nuts, pulling on their cocks or trying to separate their sweaty balls from their thighs or scrotum. Like the one dark blond surfer-type Euro boy with curly hair, tan skin, power blue shorts and white tee-shirt. He kept tugging at himself and, eventually, when that wasn’t enough, reached inside his shorts, scratched or pulled or did whatever, then pulled his hand out and nonchalantly sniffed his fingers just seconds before running them through his hair. Right in front of his Mum and Dad. And one Dad, (this one at Pleasure Island the night before) while walking in front of his wife with a brood of what seemed like a dozen kids, tugged on himself, separated, then proceeded to pull the waistband of his shorts away from his belly. In broad daylight and without a care to who might have been watching . . . buried his hand deep into his crotch and rearranged what needed to be rearranged.
As exciting as watching these males can be, however, the sad thing is that after a while you either want to either grab one, shove him down on the ground and do him right then and there, or you simply move on. You can’t even use them as inspirational material for a hot jerk-off session later because there are just too many of them to commit to memory.
Too many of them and, of course, I didn’t have the balls to take pictures of them or film them outright. Even though practically everyone else here has a camera or camcorder and is filming everything in sight or snapping away, I still want to be care. I don’t suspect there would be any trouble but since they don’t know I’m filming them . . . you get the idea.
That having been said, I DID manage to film one that was just too good to pass up. He was on the bus, on the way back to the hotel. Check out the clip below. It's a bit jumpy but you’ll understand why I had to take it.
He did that the entire trip from Hollywood Studios back to the All Star.
Heavy sigh.