After nearly 8 weeks of not doing any filming for Horndawgz it is full steam ahead! Like the Titanic heading for an iceberg. Okay, maybe not that drastic. More like full steam ahead but on half power. That's like drinking a double decaf espresso. Non-effective. At least, that's how I feel today.
After Ethan, I had another filming session this past Thursday. This time with a shy, quiet hottie named Jay whose pictures will appear below. We’re hoping to have him in our first release as well.
I have another planned for tomorrow, Tuesday, with a beefy, sexy latin boy and another on Wednesday, with a tall, sexy straight black boy. Don’t know if the latin guy is straight, gay or bi; he’s not responded. But hey, it doesn’t really matter to me. I just want to watch him stroke his cock, tug on his balls, play with his nipples and watch him shoot a nice hefty load all over his belly. That’s what it’s all about, right?
I know the black guy is straight and has made it clear, under no uncertain terms, that he does not dig the male-male scene. That should be interesting!
I have another two sessions planned as well. One for this coming July 4th weekend and the 4th about one week from now. And that’s it. I’ll have shot my wad. Of bills that is! All the money I earned last week in that 3-way will be gone; but it’s all good. That’s what I did the session for!!!
The problem now is that after reposting the ad on Craig’s List for models this past weekend, I have received another 6 that are interested in letting me film them! Normally that would not be a problem. Lack of capital, however, IS. And I HATE saying no to them because there 3 of them that are totally HOT! Welll, actually, they’re ALL hot! It’s just that 3 of them happen to really get me.
So I’m putting it out there to the universe, as in “The Secret.” I need $450 within a week. HEAR THAT UNIVERSE?
No, wait. That’s not quite right. Okay, here goes. Deep breath in. Slow exhale. I’m closing my eyes (yes, I can actually type with my eyes closed!) and I am visualizing myself with $450 cash in hand so I can pay these sexy men/boys to take off their clothes before me and bestow me with the beauty that is their masculinity and regale me with the form in which they pleasure themselves.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Yes. What a beautiful sight I have in my mind! Now, let’s see if the Universe will provide.
Enjoy the pics of Jay!
1 comment:
You're not alone! My biggest frustration since starting my own amateur porn company last fall is LACK OF MONEY. I have enough hot and interested models to last me for months, maybe even another YEAR, and it's always torture when I can't afford to film all the hot scenes I'd love to feature them in. It's worse with the straight boys, because it takes a hell of a lot more cash to get them to do all the things I want them to do in front of the camera. It's just one of those things you have to make peace with, unfortunately...
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