Sunday, September 21, 2008

Boner Guide Reivew Link

One of the really cool, and positive, things that came out of my 6-week stay in NYC helping my mom through her health issues, was my resolve to do something with myself. You see, after 45 years I've grown quite tired of dreaming and hoping and thinking about the "what ifs" and "if onlys". You know what? Dreaming and hoping is nice. Thinking about the "what ifs" or even the "if onlys" is also nice; from to time.

And just as I've realized that the one most holding me back was me, I've also come to believe that no one, except me, is going to help me accomplish anything, unless I start doing something about it.

I went out and bought myself one of those small, thick and chunky, Mead spiral notebooks and a special pen. In it, with my special pen, I write down ideas. I write down things I want to do, things I need to do. I write down websites I want to explore that will help me accomplish my goals. I write down suggestions, brief concepts, marketing plans.

I have prioritized and reprioritized. I have deleted some items, some which were never worth pursuing, some which were completed. And sometimes, for every one I completed, another a few items cropped up.

And I carry them with me almost every where I go.

Now normally, I'm into the "special items" like talismans and icons and other stuff like that to make things happen; but I believe in the mystique behind them and the superstitious habits and rituals that are a part of the process.

One of the things on my list was to look through Craig's List under Writing Gigs.

That's how I found

Since the time that I first contacted them, and now, I have written three reviews (and gotten paid for them, too!) My first review, is here: Be sure and let me now what you think of the review. I'll keep everyone posted as other's come up.

Working for Boner Guide has been a lot of fun. Imagine getting paid to put words together, give your opinion on a website, and view porn! Pretty cool by my standards. It's not all been fun and games, however. It's been a learning experience, too. For instance, the Safari browser that comes with Macs, isn't always the most reliable or even the most productive when it comes to being on the net.

Also: did you know that if your microprocessor is too slow, you won't be able to stream movies properly? Who knew?

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